Want to appear (and rise!) on this Leaderboard? Then get busy on our 'Spread the Word' page - we keep track, and that's how yu rise here. Thanks to all of our leaders below who are clicking away really hard!
Top 25 Top 25 Online Activists

Mof Staff
+351sc earned social capital
Francine Castanon
+194sc earned social capital

Francisco Gutierrez
+151sc earned social capital

Cheryl Rivett
+143sc earned social capital

Douglas Partello
+124sc earned social capital

Nancy Collins
+123sc earned social capital

Alejandro Rivera
+120.40sc earned social capital

Lenin Perez
+107sc earned social capital

Carlton Brown
+104sc earned social capital

Lori Davison
+102sc earned social capital

James Aragon
+97sc earned social capital

Chuck Hamm
+96sc earned social capital

Adel Eldakar
+93sc earned social capital

Robert Sumpter
+93sc earned social capital

Deborah Baber
+91sc earned social capital

Daniel Wiener
+86sc earned social capital
David Paulsen
+86sc earned social capital

Eileen Tracy
+85sc earned social capital

Patrick Rogge
+85sc earned social capital

Robin Westmiller
+84sc earned social capital
James Buckmaster
+82sc earned social capital

Jorge Martinez
+79sc earned social capital

Theodore (Ted) Maloney
+75sc earned social capital

Michael Kommel
+74sc earned social capital

George Miller
+74sc earned social capital
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